Saturday, April 4, 2015

The Best Friend You Barely Know...or Never Met

On occasion we meet people or are somehow exposed to people with whom we feel an instant connection. A magnetic pull that stirs our soul and makes us feel as though we must know more. Some people call that chemistry, some may call it kinship. That immediate spark that leaves you knowing intuitively that that person was 'sent' to you for a reason.  We feel as thought this person is our long lost friend or our soul mate, even though we barely know them, or perhaps we have not even met.  How can this be?

Be the best friend you'd like to have!
Is it perhaps because we see them as we wish others would see us? Do they boldly and fearlessly embody what we know is deep within ourselves? Have we allowed the noise and clutter of living in a hurried world of scheduled "shoulds" and material attachments distract us from exploring our authentic selves? Have we put our heads down and buried ourself in activity to avoid productivity? Have we been running so hard and for so long, that we forgot why we laced up our shoes in the first place? Have we become so concerned with what others believe about us, that we forgot to believe in ourselves?  Have we lost touch with our forever friend, our innate kindred spirit or soul mate that os staring back at us every time we look in the mirror, choosing to focus on all the flaws? It was only a few years ago that I would have checked the yes box next to all of these questions.

The journey to discovering a new way of being, a path and purpose that was authentic is awkward, uncomfortable, challenging, exciting and fulfilling. Most importantly, it is ongoing. Having done significant work and dedicated study to the art and science of mind and body integration,  the feeling of being on  my path and moving toward my purpose is slowly sinking in. Viewing each day through a lens of gratitude and opportunity is a choice I make, intentionally and mindfully each and every morning.  I chose to use the space between stimulus and response to act in ways that embody my beliefs that positivity, kindness and authenticity are meant to be shared.  In so doing, it seems as thought I come upon one of these kindred sprits EVERY DAY! Perhaps it is because I have come to to develop on ongoing positive personal dialogue that enables me to be more present and aware of each of life's moments, lessons, challenges and opportunities to connect with the others in the world who are seeking the same synergy.

I am inspired by those that boldly and fearlessly create beauty for the world and share it, undeterred by fear or self doubt. I am thankful for the encounter today with a bold and fearless artist who inspired this post. I am happY to be part of this quiet revolution.  Are you IN?

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