Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Once I went blind, I Could See

Blinded by the light. Literally. On my walk home yesterday the sun was positioned directly at eye level and shining so bright it was completely blinding. In the best kind of way of course. Here on the east coast we welcome bright sunshine at all times!  But as I walked enjoying the opportunity to absorb the warmth I was also trying not to trip or walk directly into a construction scaffold.  I managed to avert all major disasters until I could turn the corner and regain my ability to see real shapes. When I turned the corner, however, things looked different. Having had a busy and over scheduled day, I was slightly less present that normal. As I walked I was making mental lists of everyone I had to email, everything I 'needed' to read, and every thing I 'needed' to get done. I was attaching my satisfaction and sense of fulfillment with a series check marks on a list.  That all came to a halt when my sight was compromised by the brilliant sun and I was forced to focus on putting one foot in front of the other.  That focus led to a few moments of pure joy as the sun warmed me and brought me back to the present moment. I became grateful for the sun and my ability to walk home and enjoy the outdoors.  Once I regained my sight, I was grateful for my ability to see vivid images and colors again. The rest of my walk home was filtered through a lens of gratitude and happiness. Instantly my evening changed. I arrived home no longer in a rush to get everything done, but instead I was able to enjoy the experience of doing them. One at at time. Slow, thoughtful and with intention.

It is very easy to get caught up in deadlines and self imposed timelines for achieving a goal. By doing so, we end up missing out on the whole experience. We simply don't see all the opportunities for growth, compassion and connection that surround us daily. We have blinders on. These blinders block out the sun and we operate unaware that our lives are just waiting to be claimed.  We are all human and for those of us who live in the world of work, family, friends, school, bosses, etc. (so all of us...) having goals and deadlines and timelines are a necessity, but they do not have to be all consuming.  We can chose to be present, aware and make the most of every single moment. We can choose to view our lives through a lens of gratitude for what is in front of us. Through a lens of love and kindness, a lens of connection and compassion. If we view our world and the people and places in through this lens, our daily to-do's become a lot more enjoyable. Before you know we become these beaming beacons of positivity that reach to every corner of our world.

Well, that is just what I choose to believe! With this lens I can move forward into the day IN-Powered !

What lens do you see your world through?

Friday, April 24, 2015

Lessons learned from the Kool-Aid Man

There is something so magical about being totally and completely bough in. So engrossed, consumed, obsessed and focused on one thing. It is as if the rest of the world disappears.  There is no distraction or mental noise. All effort and energy seems to suspend in a state of joy, boundless creativity and immeasurable excitement.  As an athlete, during competition or practice, we call it being in a state of flow.  At work, or in daily life, we might call it being in the zone, hitting our stride, or our sweet spot. Regardless of our terminology, the outcome is the same.  Diving in, head first, letting go of any fear, self-doubt or hesitation. As my high school softball coach used to say, ‘he who hesitates is lost.’ Brilliant man.

In the zone, we are anything but lost. In fact, in a state of flow, it is as if all things are found. The true self is found, and with all things stemming from that authentic truth, only beauty manifests. That beauty might take the form of a PR, an unbelievable play, an incredible piece of art, a game changing innovation, or a new creative recipe that your family and friends love or an exciting change that illuminated your heart along with your immediate corner of the world. 

In order to find that sweet spot, going all in is a must. In order to live fully and reach for a dream, we have to be willing to drink the Kool-Aid. Buy in, heart and soul. Otherwise, the inevitable temptations of doubt and insecurity creep in and hold us hostage.  As my Dad would say, “Self-doubt is the number one killer of dreams.”
Having the faith and discipline to develop that single pointed focus, and build a life that meets every one of your truths is no easy feat, but it is certainly worth it.
Focusing on building my IN-Power and helping others do the same is why I get out of bed.  In order to optimize and thrive, our IN-Power must be of mind body and soul. I actively practice self-care and self love in a purposeful way and love helping other women and athletes do the same.

Morning meditations, yoga, healthy cooking, writing and sharing my techniques with others are what bring me joy. I am at my best when I am IN-Powered and working to IN-Power others.   When I am working with young women and talking with athletes, I feel like I walk on clouds. I am in my zone.  I feel like I could bust through any brick wall and just scream “Oh Yeaahh!”

I like to IN-Power my mornings with a mindfulness practice and a superfood breakfast like this easy overnight chia pudding, so delicious! Thank you Deliciously Ella for the recipe!

I mean clearly the Kool-Aid man had it figured out!  Drink it in, enjoy the moments of bliss that come with existing only in the present. During these times we effortlessly learn and grow, finding more of our true self. Drinking the Kool-Aid can be fun and may even just bring a new sense of well being that was hiding all this time.  

What Kool-Aid are you drinking this weekend!?

Friday, April 17, 2015

Taking the Time to Make Time

The past several days have shared a common thread, a similar energy that finally came to bear today. There have been several conversations with friends about how rarely we take the time to connect with others.  We spend most of our time consumed by our to-do lists or our social media feeds that are bombarding us with all the things we 'could be' or 'should be' doing.  Whether we are standing in line, waiting for our coffee, walking to a meeting, heading to class, even at the gym, it is a safe bet that the person next to us has something to offer, something to share. But most of us will never get to experience the comfort of that human connection. We will keep our heads down, our minds uselessly focused on the past or future and missing out on the right now. Missing out on the opportunity to make time for others and love our now.

When we take the time to make time and be kind to others, it instantly changes our mood, our perspective, our day, over time our lives and inevitably our worlds.  Given several of these opportunities over the past few days, it was the best way to celebrate a very happy birthday!  Even when it takes me off my schedule or is a detour from the plan I had for the day, I have never once regretted making the time to be kind and connect with others. In fact, almost always, that someone shares an unexpected gem, or is a magnetic person who leaves me feeling energized and alive with passion and excitement.

While making the time to be kind to others is gratifying, we must also show ourselves this same kindness. Taking the time to do the things we love, that bring us peace and practices of real self-care. From food to exercise, fun, rest, relaxation and stress management, we must make time for ourselves and be kind.

Take the time to be kind to our mind, our body and our soul. Make the time to be kind to others, open up, share our light with others and allow them to do the same.

I make the time to connect daily and meet some truly beautiful humans.  I exercise, practice yoga and meditate daily. I make the time to write. I make the time to make healthy food, including night time snacks of baked apples and graham crackers with homemade almond butter and chocolate shavings… Now that is making time to be kind!

How will you take the time to make time and be kind!?

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

I Saw God Today…Twice!

It was quite a day. For one thing, here in Philly, the sun was shining and there was a lightness in the air that was almost tangible. Maybe that was just the afterglow of the morning Buddhist meditation I attended, thanks to a friend’s suggestion. But either way, it felt like spring had sprung. Deciding to take a few minutes to enjoy the sunshine after a full day of work I took a detour from my normal routine to walk through the park, and thank GOD, literally, that I did. As I was walking, I overheard a man, who by all conventional standards looks like he could have been straight from the set of a horror movie. I see him often, whenever I am in the park. He is homeless, looks as if he has not bathed in years, and has many large abscesses and growths all over his body. It is a difficult thing to see. But his response to a young man who felt the need to put him down was beautiful.

“You are talking to yourself, not me. You can’t be talking to me, because I am not ugly. I was made in the image of God, and God is not ugly. If you call me ugly, you call God ugly. The only ugly here is you.”

Well said sir, well said. I have noticed that more often than not, our expression of anger, disgust or negativity towards another is really nothing more than a reflection of how we feel; it is our own ugly that we are projecting on others. But just as we can project negativity, we can project positivity and happiness.  By focusing on building our own positive and happy reflection we allow others to do the same. We invite and in fact demand that others do the same, as our positivity expands and becomes infectious.  If we all operated under the assumption that what we see in others is merely a reflection of how we see ourselves, we might spend more time focused on developing our best selves instead of comparing to everyone else.  We would be kind to ourselves, and in turn we could spread that kindness to others. Imagine a world where we focused more on how connected we are in our synergies, as opposed to how different we appear. 

If we are all made in the image of God (whomever your God might be) than we are all, in essence the same. We are human beings looking to give and receive love, compassion and genuine connection.  The rest is just for show.

These thoughts were swirling in my mind while taking a run along the river and as I was rounding the corner toward my apartment, there was a man walking toward me dressed like Jesus. White robe, with the hair and the wooden cane and the whole bit. And just like that, I saw God, twice in one day.  Quite a hump day!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Do Less, Be More

In the words of the great John Wooden, “Never mistake activity for achievement.”  In today’s frantic race to be the next big thing, it is easy to get lost in a sea of to-do lists and become so “busy” that we don’t have time to just be. Be ourselves, be present and be fully alive in each moment. Most of us are too busy to stop and lend a helping hand, an encouraging word, or even a simple smile. No time, got stuff to do. In all that activity what are we actually doing? Perhaps the more important question, in all this hustle, what are we being? Are we being kind and compassionate? Are we being authentic and inspiring?  Are we being a source of positivity?  Or are we being another hurried, short tempered, curt, cynical and disgruntled voice in the world.

Being all too familiar with all the rushing, pushing to achieve and constant climbing only to find that the bar has been raised yet again, I know full well the draw of being too busy to just be.  There are few things scarier than being alone with our own minds.  But facing that fear was the best decision you will ever make. Finding the power of Yoga was transformative for me. It helped me learn how to focus more on the present and be exactly who I want to be in each moment. The practice of harnessing the body with mindful breath helped me understand that in order to accomplish more, it essential to do less. To be more creative, more intuitive, more passionate, more strategic, more fun, it is essential to simply do less, and allow for things to evolve and develop organically.  After spending time each morning doing less, really doing nothing, simply turning in and listening, without the feeling of having to achieve something, I can move forward with a healthy perspective and be more. More positive, more grateful, more energetic, more inspired…more me. By taking the time to be nothing, we can become everything.

Do nothing and be everything!  Go ahead...I dare you…

Monday, April 13, 2015

Making Neon Footprints

On my walk through Center City today I noticed people staring at my feet. Which happens all the time...not. But it got me thinking about the days when I would have been too self conscious to wear my favorite neon shoes, or even buy them for that matter. Which got me thinking and reflecting on life...obviously. Following your own path can be incredibly scary. Without someone else’s footsteps to follow, simply deciding on a direction and putting one foot in front of the other can be overwhelming. But when the time is right, all of the sudden, living a lack luster version of life, sitting back in the pseudo-security of a cookie cutter path that may not reflect your passions, your purpose or your path is way more frightening than taking that step.  After taking the time to discover your path, tap into your core truths and cultivate an authentic vision for YOUR life, those small steps quickly evolve into a leap.  With a deeper sense of your personal strengths, values and purpose, your vision begins to crystalize.  However, for most, that fear that sits in the pit of our stomachs when we think about stepping off the well-worn path keeps that vision safely tucked away in the far corners of our minds.  But that fear is a great indicator that it is time to step up to the plate and take your hacks.  What we often identify as fear might just be our heart telling us that this vision is of great importance, value and worth, thus the risk of setback or loss is deeply unsettling.  But the risk of living your life undiscovered is simply devastating. Do not fear discomfort. Comfort is the enemy of growth.  It keeps us stuck in the same loops, reading from the ineffective life scripts riddled with self doubt that have become our default.

I consider myself a lucky soul. I have been blessed with a beautiful combination of inspiring people, an outstanding support system, and a perfect storm of life events that propelled me on a path to discovering my true self.  I was supported through life-changing illness, enabled to reconnect with the power of self-talk and took the time to heal from within.  I have been lucky enough to know people who inspire me to express myself in authentic ways, personally and professionally.  They challenge my voracious mind, encourage my passion for serving others, accept and support my ‘irrational exuberance’, and push me to buy the neon shoes I “didn’t need” on a random weekend shopping trip.

You may be struggling to craft your vision and feel stuck in a comfortable malaise. You might have pieces of your vision floating around but activating it or figuring out the first step feels like a lost cause. No mater where you are on your journey of self-exploration, the most important and valuable asset is your tribe.  Surround yourself with the right people. Find the people who support you, who inspire you, who excite you, challenge and push you to explore the depths of your greatness. Don’t be afraid to buy your neon shoes and leave your own neon footprints where no one else has thought to walk.

Step in YOUR direction with vigor, passion and a brightness that is undeniable, drawing others into your light.

One thing is for sure, when you are ready to step out in your neon kicks, everyone will want to know where you got them, trust me!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Get the Wind Knocked out of You!

Sometimes it is great when you get the wind knocked out of you.  I mean, not right when it happens, but in retrospect. At the time it pretty much feels like you have been hollowed out, gutted, like everything that may have mattered a few moments ago has vaporized.  That was pretty much how it felt yesterday when I took a good fall while on a run. In my head I was planning and organizing AND trying to clear my mind and then out of nowhere someone zigged when I thought they would zag, and…whop! Down. The hollow pit in my stomach forced me to slow down, be present in the moment, although it was a painful one, and not overly focused on a future that is mostly beyond my control. 

Little did I know, that tumble was foreshadowing a meeting earlier today that knocked the wind out of me, emotionally that is. Having gotten all excited about some things and starting to get the feeling that I was figuring it all out and then…whop! Not so fast.  Now, while it may seem like this would be bad thing, it was in fact the exact opposite. Getting the wind knocked out of us can actually help us to slow down, reflect and perhaps, redirect. Perhaps taking the time to be present in each moment, without focusing too much on the future will allow for a better experience. It is all about the journey after all, right?

So the combo of being physical and emotional windless, I had to slow down, reflect on whether I had been overly focused on the future.  It was a good nudge to refocus on being wholly present in the moment, so as not to miss out on all the fun along the way.  So next time you feel like you just got the wind knocked out of you, maybe it is a blessing in a really great disguise. It could be a great opportunity to slow down, reflect, and maybe even redirect.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Be The Sunshine

I recently decided to dedicate to a morning mindfulness practice.  I take between 10 and 15 minutes each morning to sit quietly, breath deeply and focus on a daily reflection. This single practice has completely altered my daily experiences. But it has certainly been a practice. Many mornings, I wake up, not feeling energized to reflect, or with a racing mind about the list of things I ‘NEED’ to do. Who new how daunting siting quietly can be! But each morning when take to my mat and follow through with my commitment, I feel alive, bright and ready to champion the day. This morning, the daily reflection that circled in my mind, was an oldie but a goodie and it left me feeling ready to be my own sunshine on this cloudy day, and it inspired a Good Morning Sunshine Smoothie! (Recipe below)

Decided to be the sunshine takes recognition of the lens through which we see things. This morning’s reflection, ‘How you see the problem, is the problem,’ speaks directly to that point.  We often spend a great deal of time focused on what has gone wrong, what didn’t work out and searching for a place to rest the blame. All of this attention on external factors, over which we have no control, can leave us feeling frustrated and unmotivated. Like we are living in a world where the sun never shines.  But the minute we decide to shift our focus, look inside and reflect on what we as individuals bring to each situation or interaction, we can tune in to the ability to be the sunshine in our world. 

We each have the ability to bring unbridled passion, energy and compassion with us everywhere we go. Tuning in to our own ability to create the world we want to live in is a powerful practice and can alter your outlook for the better!

If you are looking to be the sunshine and you need a little boost but the 10-minute mindfulness isn’t your cup of coffee…give the Good Morning Sunshine Smoothie a try!  

Good Morning Sunshine Smoothie:

·      ½ Cup Water
·      ½ Cup coconut water (optional)
·      ¼ Cup Coconut Milk (any milk works)
·      ½ Cup Frozen Pineapple
·      ½ Frozen Banana
·      1 slice of fresh ginger
·      2 TBL Ground Flax seed
·      1 Scoop Protein Powder (optional, I use Plant Fusion Vanilla Bean)
·      Squeeze of lemon as garnish (if you want a little extra boost)

     Place all ingredients in a blender…and drink up!
     How will you be the Sunshine Today?

Monday, April 6, 2015

From Misfit to Perfect fit…All in a Days Walk

Positive self-talk should be considered a super power. It is a rare and elusive and gives a person the ability to instantly transform the world that they live in. As my Dad has been saying my entire life, “We are what we tell ourselves about ourselves.” The power of positive self-talk is everywhere in the self-help aisle, as it has long been noted as an important driver to experiencing health, happiness and well-being. Despite the general acceptance of the need for fostering a good personal dialogue, it remains one of the most difficult things to do on a consistent basis. The constant comparisons we tend to make create a sometimes deafening loop of self doubt, self-criticism and judgment that leave us feeling somewhat less than invincible.

Even though I was born and bread in an environment that hammered the value of positive self talk, when released into the world on my own, I stumbled as I lost sight of how to actively practice the self affirmations that had brought me so much joy and success in the past. Deciding to take the time to get back in touch with my authentic self, and embark on a journey to heal, I was quickly reminded how powerful self-talk is, for better and for worse.  I will admit, I drank the Kool-Aid, and it tasted delicious. Just today, during the 30 minutes it took to walk to a meeting, I was transformed from a misfit to a perfect, fit, simply by believing it to be true.  Reflecting on how most of my life I have felt slightly out of place, unable to define myself like others could, I came to realize that my uniqueness made me a perfect fit. I was a perfect fit for this body, for this life I am living. All of the sudden, I felt taller, I had a bounce in my step, with a magnetic energy. 

As simple as it sounds, using positive self-talk can be extremely challenging. But it can change a moment of despair to a moment of hope, a feeling of defeat to an exciting opportunity for creativity. It can transform the way you see yourself and the others in your world. It can change your heart and propel you forward toward the life that is your perfect fit! Who wants to talk?